About us

Common Platform for Common Goal (CoCoN) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization registered in the District Administration Office, Kathmandu in 2011 AD and is working continuously for the promotion and protection of human rights, peace, and social justice through awareness, human rights education, advocacy, and strengthening networks to boost up a culture of peace in the society. It further focuses on the issues of women and child rights and follows a Human Rights-Based Approach as well as the ‘Do No Harm’ principle. In addition, conflict sensitivity, gender sensitivity, and good governance are its core prioritized issues.

Since the early stage of its establishment, CoCoN is also working in the field of anti-human trafficking and reconnecting the trafficked children with their families through coordination and collaboration with GOs, I/NGOs, HPs, and DPs and is operating SAJHA GHAR, a registered transit home to provide immediate temporary shelter and protection ensuring the good health and psychosocial well-being of the trafficking affected/victimized children through personal care and hygiene service, medical services, psycho social counseling, in house/school education…

Message from the President

Mrs. Manjeeta Upadhaya

Common Platform for Common Goal (CoCoN) has been creating platforms bringing common issues relating to human rights together to draw the attention of the concerned authorities for remedial action. CoCoN has been extending its scope of movement with national and international agencies consolidating resources and capacities to address the country’s vulnerability to the human rights situation. Since its inception, CoCoN has been taking initiations for collective efforts with a shared understanding of national and international established values, norms, and principles of human rights to avoid dilemmas and confusion in interpreting human rights among the human rights defenders through capacity enhancement initiatives for effective advocacy. CoCoN began its movement from eastern Nepal by focusing on combating violence against women, human trafficking, strengthening rule of law, capacity building of human rights defenders, and strengthening networks among like-minded organizations. At present, it has extended its movement towards western Nepal focusing on anti-child trafficking through rescue, empowerment, and re-integration of vulnerable trafficked children. CoCoN strongly believes that collective efforts with a common understanding can be effective for positive change.